New Alexa filter kit released for Alexa out

On the official website of the American Society of Cinematographers, a recent offering is listed that might be of interest to anyone who makes a living using Alexa cameras. If you don't currently use any equipment by this brand, a provider of professional film cameras can help you become acquainted so that you might take advantage of this new release.

That development in question is a filter system that has been created to be used in-camera. The intent behind it seems to be to allow those operating it to quickly change between settings and achieve the desired effect. Not only does this system reportedly come with the high-quality lenses needed, it seems geared to provide for fast and easily adjusted control in different circumstances.

That amount of specificity might be enough to send interested parties to do some more research on other Alexa products, which New Pro Video is happy to point the way to. In the same ASC posting, Denny Clairmont, an associate of ASC, described the kind of settings that are most relevant for anyone looking to put it into regular practice.

"One of the things cinematographers appreciate most about the Arri Alexa is the excellent light sensitivity," he said.

Being able to operate them while the shoot is ongoing increases the amount of time that you might have to switch settings and figure out what works best for you, and a professional film camera provider might help match all the other equipment to the kinds of cameras that are being used by your company.